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The business development and continuous improvement service aims to enable administrative leaders to develop and develop the business fields of their organizations, identify potential growth opportunities and invest them in accordance with the best leading and successful practices, which is reflected in increased productivity and profitability.
The business development and continuous improvement service provides a range of benefits, including:

Enhancing the skills of work teams and motivating them, which is reflected in increased productivity.

Managing the risks facing the institution, and determining the best ways to deal with them.

Building an integrated marketing strategy based on investing available resources and capabilities.

Strengthening the institutional reputation and effective communication between the institution and its customers, the institution and the community.

The application of successful methodologies in the development of business sectors based on the best modern practices.

Managing the risks facing the institution, and determining the best ways to deal with them.

Our service delivery strategy

Our strategy is to work in the following stages:

It includes the formation of the work team from the organization (the client), the definition of the project and an explanation of the methodology for developing and improving the business, and it is presented to the senior leaders of the organization for the purpose of discussing and asking questions about the goals, methodology and outputs of the project.

In which the business environment in the organization is analyzed, strengths and weaknesses are identified, and ways and premises for improvement and development are suggested. Administrative leaders in the organization and representatives of employees of the organization’s units participate in this stage, with the aim of arriving at a comprehensive integrative assessment that includes administrative leaders and operational officials in the organization.

Which is building development plans and promotive for example: the development of business processes, identify future operations and procedures to deal with, identify target customers, identify target market opportunities, selecting and supporting means, the development of human cadres.

In it, awareness and training programs are provided to spread the culture of business development, develop institutional work skills, and provide administrative leaders with the skills to implement and follow up on the developed strategies.

To ensure that the institution continues to implement its strategy in the optimal manner, the advisory team after the completion of the project provides support for a period of one to three months, through a series of field visits to determine the reality of the implementation of business development plans and the challenges facing the application, and to provide an advisory opinion for improvement and development.

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